8 Pilates Moves To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

March: Lying on your back, lift left foot off the ground, do 10 reps on each side.

Frogger: Lie on back, extend legs straight out, then bring feet and knees back to starting position, do 10 reps.

Flat Back Hinge: Sit on ground, hinge torso back, hold for three counts, return to starting position, do 10 reps.

Shoulder Bridge: Lift hips off ground, lower back down, do 10 reps.

Side Lying Knee to Heel: Lie on left side, rotate top knee open, then bring knees together while separating feet, do 5-10 reps per side.

Bird Dog: Extend opposite arm and leg while on hands and knees, return to starting position, do 5-10 reps per side.

Quadruped Plank: Lift knees off ground, hold for 5-10 seconds, repeat for 5 reps.

Deep Squat: Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width, squat down, hold for three breaths, return to standing, do 5-10 reps.