8 Pilates Moves To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor
Lying on your back, lift left foot off the ground, do 10 reps on each side.
Lie on back, extend legs straight out, then bring feet and knees back to starting position, do 10 reps.
Flat Back Hinge:
Sit on ground, hinge torso back, hold for three counts, return to starting position, do 10 reps.
Shoulder Bridge:
Lift hips off ground, lower back down, do 10 reps.
Side Lying Knee to Heel:
Lie on left side, rotate top knee open, then bring knees together while separating feet, do 5-10 reps per side.
Bird Dog:
Extend opposite arm and leg while on hands and knees, return to starting position, do 5-10 reps per side.
Quadruped Plank:
Lift knees off ground, hold for 5-10 seconds, repeat for 5 reps.
Deep Squat:
Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width, squat down, hold for three breaths, return to standing, do 5-10 reps.