8 Best Groin Exercises To Ease Pain & Improve Fitness Levels

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8 Best Groin Exercises To Ease Pain & Improve Fitness Levels

Lying Groin Stretch

Lie on mat, knees bent, feet flat & close. Slowly spread legs, hold for 30s. Don't overstretch. Hands on knees, press gently. Repeat 3x5.

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Adductor Squeeze

Lie on your back, hands by your side. Put a softball between your knees. Squeeze gently for 10 sec, then relax. Repeat 4 times, 3 sets.

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Side Lying Groin Stretch

Lie on left side, lift right leg up. Support head with left hand. Hold 3 sec, repeat 2 sets of 10. Switch sides, stretch left leg.

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Lying Single Leg Adductor Stretch

Lie on a mat with a pillow under your head. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Lower one knee, hold for 3-5 seconds, then switch legs. Do 2 sets of 5 reps.

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Lying Internal Adduction

Lie on your right side with left hand in front. Bend left knee, placing foot behind right leg. Lift right leg for 3 secs, repeat 10 times on each side.

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Seated Groin Stretch

Sit on mat, bend knees close to body. Keep back straight, lower knees to touch floor. Lean forward gently. Repeat for stronger groin.

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Seated Forward Fold Stretch

Sit on mat, extend right leg, fold other leg near inner thigh. Roll shoulders back, stretch spine, twist torso. Touch floor with right hand, left hand on right calf. Feel stretch for 5 sec, switch legs.

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Seated Hip Abduction

Sit on a chair with a band around your knees. Cross arms, sit tall, and look forward. Open legs against band, then close. Great for core strength!

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