7 Comfort Casseroles that Taste Like Grandma's Cooking

Mom’s Macaroni and Cheese         This creamy Velveeta mac and cheese recipe, passed down from my mother, features tender noodles and a delicious golden crumb topping, making it a beloved side dish in our family kitchens.

Bacon-Colby Lasagna Inspired by carbonara-style pasta, my grandmother added bacon to her cheesy lasagna, teaching me valuable cooking lessons along the way.

Texas Chicken Spaghetti A cherished recipe from a favorite sister-in-law, this Texas chicken spaghetti is a hit with my whole family. Easily freezable and perfect for make-ahead meals, it offers a comforting blend of flavors.

Sweet Onion Spoon Bread A beloved family favorite, this unique spoon bread combines tangy cheese, sour cream, and sweet onions in a moist cornbread. For an extra kick, add chopped green chiles.

Mexican Chicken Bake With three decades of popularity, this Mexican chicken bake is a frequent request from my family and guests. Quick and easy to make, it’s a go-to dish for gatherings.

Contest-Winning Hot Chicken Salad Discovered at a women’s luncheon, this hot chicken salad became a staple during my years as a city clerk. Loved by poll workers and perfect for stuffing into tomatoes, it’s a versatile and flavorful recipe.

Pan Burritos A favorite in our Mexican food-loving family, this hearty casserole combines the flavors of burritos in a convenient pan format, allowing for easy portioning and serving.